By Guest on Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Category: Blog

10 Ways To Be A Better Pet Parent

According to animal cruelty and domestic violence statistics, around 71% of people who are reported for domestic violence also abuse their pets. This is truly a frightening statistic, because it means that there are many people in our society who are capable of abusing animals and human beings alike. It also means that if someone has been accused of domestic violence or animal abuse, you should be very careful about letting them near your pets.

And if you're a pet parent, you know that your job is never done. Not being a responsible fur parent is also an act of abuse. Therefore, you have to keep up with your furry friend's daily needs, but it's not always easy to remember.

That's why we've put together this list of 10 ways to be a better pet parent. These tips should help you feel more confident in your role as caretaker and give you some new ideas for how to make the most out of your relationship with your furry companion!


Here are 10 tips that will help you raise happy and healthy animals:

  1. Schedule a checkup with your vet at least once per year. This will help keep your pet healthy and happy.
  2. Feed your animal a nutritious diet that is appropriate for their age and species.
  3. Keep your pet's food bowl full of fresh water at all times—they need to stay hydrated!
  4. Be sure that you're providing enough exercise for your animal every day—even if it's just taking them out on walks around the block or playing fetch with tennis balls in the backyard!
  5. Provide them with toys they can chew on as well as hide under when they feel stressed out (like blankets or cardboard boxes!). This will keep them from chewing up furniture or other items inside the house instead of gnawing on things that aren't meant for canine consumption (like shoes or remote controls).
  6. Clean up any messes your pet makes as soon as they happen—this will prevent accidents from happening in the same spot over and over again.
  7. If you have more than one pet, make sure that they're not getting into each other's food bowls or toys!
  8. Brush your dog's teeth regularly (or have a vet do so) to prevent cavities and gum disease from setting in too early!
  9. Don't tie up your dog when you leave the house, as this can cause serious injury or death if they try to escape and become tangled in the rope.
  10. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise—this can help prevent boredom-related behavior problems and obesity. 


Your Pet Is Our Family

Whether you are looking for full-service grooming or a place to board your pet while on vacation, let The Posh Paw Resort be your go-to place.

The scale of our facility gives us a lot of space to provide your pet with ample room to play and hang out with their friends. Another reason that we are unique in that we allow you to board your pets even if their vaccinations might not be current.

This is especially helpful if animals suffer a reaction during vaccination and cannot get them right away. 

Want to learn more? Don't hesitate to contact us or visit our place!



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