By Guest on Sunday, 09 October 2022
Category: Blog

Signs Of Back-To-School Separation Anxiety In Dogs And How To Help Them Cope

It's back-to-school month, and you may be ticking off a checklist of supplies to get your child or things to get done before school begins. In this hustle and bustle, you may forget that this sudden schedule change may affect your four-legged family member. Your dog may feel anxious and confused by all the changes in his routine. Dogs tend to be creatures of habit, and when children go back to school, your mutt may feel lonely and depressed, leading to separation anxiety


Signs Your Pet Is Going Through Back To School Blues

Pets often exhibit signs of separation anxiety, which can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from normal behavior. Here are some of the most common symptoms:



Separation anxiety can manifest itself in a number of ways. For example, your dog may become clingy or drool excessively as you prepare to leave the house. If you have a dog with separation anxiety, paying attention to the signs and finding the best way to help your canine cope with your absence is essential. 


Ease Into The New Routine

If your pet is uncomfortable with being left alone, try slowly acclimating them to the idea. Instead of suddenly leaving for a full day on the first day of school, start spending small amounts of time away from home beforehand. By doing this, your pet will get used to not being with his loved ones all the time.


Leave A Special Toy Or Clothes That Smell Like You

While you are away, leave your pup a blanket or piece of clothing that has your scent. Your dog will be comforted by the familiar smell of your clothes, which will help him feel less anxious about being left alone. Give your pup their favorite toys or buy them some new and exciting toys. Only take these toys out whenever you and the kids are gone and put them away when you are at home.


Exercise and Playtime

Many pets become destructive if they get bored, especially those who spend the summer playing with children and have no other outlets for their energy once the kids are back to school. Introducing your pet to new animal companions, training classes, or daycare can help alleviate this problem.


Doggie Daycare Can Help Dogs With Separation Anxiety.

Doggie daycare can help dogs with separation anxiety by allowing them to interact with other dogs and people in a safe, controlled environment. Additional benefits of doggie daycare include a better socialization experience and the opportunity for dogs to get outside and run around in a safe space. Exercise, interaction with other dogs, and mental stimulation all contribute to a happier dog who is less likely to develop destructive behaviors while at home alone.


The Posh Paw Resort Is The Perfect Daytime Destination For Your Pet!

At The Posh Paw Resort, we pride ourselves on providing our guests with the opportunity to enjoy engaging and structured activities. Our dog daycare is the ideal environment for your canine friend to get some exercise while you are at work. We can't wait to meet your dog and provide them with the care they deserve. Visit our site or call us to book a free Meet And Greet session for your fur baby so we can get to know each other.



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